Shark's Eye Tournament and Festival Contact Us  
Carl J. Darenberg, Jr.

Unfortunately as most of you know, we lost a great man last Fall, Carl Darenberg, Jr. He was one of the friendliest, most generous, caring, loyal, loving men you could ever have had the honor of knowing. He was truly a man who would help anyone and did not know how to say no. Words can't express the sadness and pain our families and community are feeling from this terrible accident. He will be missed and loved forever. Thanks for everything Carl we love you. And thank you all for your love and support for all of us.

The family are asking that in lieu of flowers if you would like to donate to a cause that Carl truly believed in, and put tons of time and, heart and, soul into we are going to ask that you send that flower money to a more worthy cause, the Shark's Eye All-Release Tournament & Festival. We will be changing the name of this annual educational event to the "Carl Darenberg annual tag and release tournament". Please use the donation button below. Thank you all on behalf of Chase and Courtney Darenberg, Dan Christman, the entire Marine Basin family and everyone else who knew and loved Carl.

Observer Application Form

Shark's Eye Tournament Observer Application Form



First Name:      


Last Name:      


Nicknames (if any):      


Street Address:      





Phone Numbers:













Gender (please circle or check): M  F    





Date of Birth:      



Emergency Contact Information:






Phone Numbers:







Please CIRCLE your responses.


Have you attended training or been an Observer in the past? Y  N


Are you willing to travel to tournaments and training outside your area? Y 


Are you able to attend a training session the afternoon of July 11th in Montauk? Y   N 


Which of the following tournament dates are you available to observe (including both dates)?


July 18th, 2014                    July 19, 2014      


Are you physically able to observe from a boat for a full day? Y   N 


Are you prone to seasickness? Never   Sometimes   Often 


Have you ever fished professionally? Y   N  As a: Captain   Mate 


Have you ever fished in a tournament? Y   N   How Many?      


Have you been an observer in any tournaments? Y   N


Are you familiar with the species of sharks found in the North Atlantic area? Y   N 

A “NO” answer does not disqualify you from being an observer. All observers must attend a training session on shark identification.


Do you now or have you ever owned a boat? Y   N 


Do you own a digital camera (video/still) that you’re willing to use during the tournament? Y   N

Options for Returning Completed Application Forms:


If you were emailed this form or downloaded it from the Shark’s Eye Tournament website as a Microsoft Word document, you can type your answers into the fields provided, save a copy to your computer, and email it as an attachment


US Mail
If you received a hardcopy of this form or downloaded it in PDF format from the USC website to fill out by hand, the mailing address is:

Shark's Eye Tournament
c/o Montauk Marine Basin
426 West Lake Dr.
PO Box 610
Montauk, NY 11954


Alternate Direct Contact


Sponsored By
Montauk Boatmen and Captains Ass.
Austin Marxe
Don Diamond
Capt. mike Potts
Capt. Ric Freda
Shark Angles
Weather Routing, Inc.